Every amateur golfer struggles at the 3-foot putt. They struggle with the 3-foot putts because of timing. Timing is everything when it comes to putting and even more evident when you start dealing with a full swing. The Blast Motion Sensor is a simple, yet technologically advanced tool that captures your swing metrics, it analyzes your data and provides drills to help your timing in the full swing and in the putting stroke.
Blast Motion has been in motion capture for the last 25 years capturing professional golfers data. Granted, most of those years that data was captured in a lab, in a controlled setting. In 2000, Blast Motion launch their first sensor that was about the size of a camera. Now, in 2016 they are down to 7 grams and about the size of a nickel and can talk directly to a smartphone via Bluetooth.

But, the greatest aspect of this device is the ability communicate all the data of a golf swing simply. When you get into the logistics of how the Blast Motion works, it is extremely simple to use. You are able to take video or motion capture in real-time (or in slow motion) of a golf swing or putting stroke and the device will overlay 3D data to help you understand the golf swing.

In any golf swing, the major inconsistency is timing. For professionals, they only vary a few one-hundredth of a second in their timing and for amateurs, four to five tenth of a second. That doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s huge when a putting stroke or a full swing is less than a second long. That is the biggest difference between regular Joes and the Professional golfer.
All you have to do is download the Blast Motion App, pop the grip extension and sensor onto the end of your grip, sync the sensor to the app on your smartphone and start swinging. Blast Motion recommends that you start at the hole, meaning putt first, and then work your way back to the tee box for a full swing. Checking your backstroke time in your putting stroke is huge because that is what controls the distance. If your backstroke time is very inconsistent, your distance control will be very inconsistent.

Blast Motion is very technologically advanced and it’s an awesome tool to practice with in order to get better at any aspect of your golf game. Check out our video above to learn more about the Blast Motion and how it can help your golf game. If you want to order one for yourself, go over to blastmotion.com!