Golf can be a grind. Throw a few poor shots in the mix and a day on the course can quickly become a battle within the mind.
To quote the great Bobby Jones:
“ is played mainly on a five-and-a-half-inch course, the space between your ears.”
I set out to see if I could prove (or disprove) the emerging recommendations that CBD could help eliminate the anxiety of golf’s most trying moments, help me keep composure and maintain a steadfast focus on my game.
Enter ENVEED CBD...I opted for the convenient, tasty, version in the gummy form. The guys from ENVEED recommend I give their RELAX product line a shot to see how it helped my game.
Since there’s no THC, there’s no “high” just a slight relaxation within about 20 minutes of taking a handful of gummies (please see ENVEED’s website for details about dosage).
There wasn’t anything MAJOR that happened but perhaps that’s the point. I did feel more relaxed on the course, even with my hurried pace, I felt significantly less anxiety - especially after a few not-so-crisp chip shots bumped me off my game.
I felt a lot better while putting - the most anxious moments on the course for me. I would say it gave me a bit of an advantage when concentrating - I was able to zone in on my putts and shots altogether.
Here’s what I noticed while taking CBD while golfing:
Calm and focused while teeing off and lining up a putt
Less anxious about my performance
Minor pain in my elbow (nagging) was less noticeable - this was a nice plus
Here’s where CBD let me down:
It did not improve my scores
It did not fix my slice
Back to the drawing board to fix my game but my state of mind had me playing a more relaxed and enjoyable round of golf.
I would recommend giving the CBD GUMMIES or CBD OIL TINCTURES a try and see how it impacts your game. You can get a great deal (20% OFF) by using GolfGrade at check out. Visit www. to try CBD for your next round.
- Golf Grader